About The Estate

Heslington Road Estate is the land and property of The Retreat York that represents the 40 acres that’s located within Heslington, in the City of York. It is a mile from the city centre. It was founded by William Tuke in 1792 as a humane alternative to the care of Quakers who were mentally ill.

200 Years of Heritage

The Heslington Road Estate has existed for over 200 years and comprises several buildings that have been designated grade II* and grade II. There is also a scheduled monument that dates back to 1455, the War of the Roses.

The Estate also has recreation facilities of a bowling green, cricket pitch and tennis courts, as well as an established orchard and burial ground. The grounds have been used since their inception as an intrinsic part of patients’ therapy.

We have an estates team to maintain the grounds and manage the buildings. We have more than 132,000 square feet of internal floor space across the estate, which has during its history extended beyond its current boundaries